5 Key steps to manage diversity within organizations

In previous posts, we highlighted the importance of diversity and inclusion within organizations. In recent years, data shows that 70% of organizations see diversity as an asset to face their competitors. Several publications and case studies have proven that, indeed, diversity in the workplace brings benefits such as: Promoting innovation and creativity within work teams […]

Microsexism: 4 years, 4 lessons

I invite you all to analize the way you speak to the children around you and their reactions. You’d be surprised at your own biases.

Diversity and Inclusion: The Change

Change does not visit patients. Change will not come to get you off the couch. Change does not arrive by express mail . Change is not either an old friend to meet again. YOU are the change. BE the change

Diversity and Inclusion: Why now?

In recent years, many factors have made pro-diversity policies and initiatives more relevant to organizations. In this article, we will analyze three factors that have gained resonance due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fall forward

I couldn’t have imagined that the window that opened would be bigger than the door they had closed in my face. What did I learn from all of that?

To work SEATED

Let’s make inclusion an option for businesses, for administrations, for society. Let’s make it an option for ALL.