Diversity and Inclusion: The Change

📢Change does not visit patients …

📢Change will not come to get you off the couch…

📢Change does not arrive by express mail …

📢Change is not an old friend to meet again, either…

YOU are the change, BE the change!!

Special thanks:

⭕To Olga, Irene and Marc, lots of light for this new adventure.

⭕To Dámaso, citizen of the world and dreams’ creator.

⭕ To Eulàlia, because there are crossroads that change destinations.

⭕To Weleló, Vero, Soko Sese, Enam and Itsel, even if we weren’t born a family, I would always choose you as such.

⭕To Sandra, for giving us this wonderful opportunity to discover you.

⭕To Alex, for teaching us that we set the limit for ourselves.

And to all of you, who are and will always be on the side which empowers us.